The National Telecom (NT) enterprise has been facing significant issues that need urgent attention from the government. One of the critical problems is related to its investment in the 700MHz license, which has yet to attract new subscribers despite paying the license fee for three billing cycles. NT has also paid over 1 billion baht in roaming fees to private mobile operators in the past six months due to the migration of customers to the 700MHz band.

Another pressing concern is the potential loss of revenue in August 2025 when NT’s annual revenue from partnership deals with private telecom operators expires. The organization is also struggling with internal disunity resulting from a clash of cultures and management attitudes following the merger of TOT and CAT Telecom.

To address these challenges, NT has been taking steps to reduce redundancy in management and employee numbers through early retirement programs. The organization aims to enhance its revenue by expanding its cloud service capacity and forming joint ventures with cloud service providers. Additionally, plans to launch a satellite into orbit and develop two new data centers are in progress to diversify revenue streams.

Despite the potential advantages of these initiatives, collaboration with strong partners will be crucial for the success of NT’s satellite and cloud services. The organization will need to navigate challenges related to getting state agencies to use or rent its services unless mandated by the government. By strategically leveraging partnerships and focusing on service demand, NT aims to significantly increase its annual revenue from cloud services by 2027.

Overall, addressing the critical issues faced by NT requires a comprehensive strategy that includes resolving internal conflicts, optimizing existing services, and developing new revenue streams through innovative partnerships. The future success of the organization will depend on its ability to adapt to the changing landscape of the telecom industry and capitalize on emerging opportunities in satellite services, cloud computing, and data center development.